Thursday 2 March 2017

The All in 1 Challenge: The Tavern Companion

Hello all! It's been a while since our last post but we have been extremely busy! We have been working on several projects both for ourselves and other companies and content producers, it's been an exciting time!

Recently we received an email about a campaign Kickstarter was running called All in 1
The challenge encourages creators to produce a campaign that:

Only lasts 1 week
Only has one reward option
Only has digital rewards (1's and 0's challenge)

We really liked the sound of this challenge and were inspired by it, we thought the concept would fit perfectly for one of our smaller projects we were planning to release later this year. We decided to take on all aspects of the challenge, we wanted to embrace the idea of All in 1 and see what we could come up with. Our aim was to build a campaign that would only last 1 week, only had 1 reward, only cost £1 to back and to top it all we wanted to build the campaign within 1 hour!

It was a tough challenge but our success with building this campaign within an hour boils down to organisation and communication. We began with an outline and immediately split up the jobs we needed to complete, as we completed tasks we would add it to the campaign. The elements came together pretty quickly, the longest part of putting the campaign together was the editing and proofing of the whole thing. The only thing we weren't able to put together in time was a video. We nearly had it finished but our time was up. We could have added it before we launched the campaign or even added it afterwards but we wanted to stay true to our mission, we were going to do everything 'All in 1" We began our build at 09:50 and the project was launched at 10:53, we had completed our All in 1 challenge.

By working together we put together something we are really proud of and at this point we are nearly 50% funded in less than 24hours! Considering we had no pre-campaign strategy and we literally decided to do this yesterday morning we are really shocked by this! There has been a lot of support so far by some amazing backers and people's generosity has been really overwhelming .

So thank you to everyone that has backed us so far! We are looking forward to the rest of this very short campaign and seeing what we can achieve together!!

Here is a little bit about the project:

The product we are offering is a Tavern Companion, it's an A4 sized PDF that will span around 50-100 pages (backer contributions dependant). It is focused around the taverns found in the fantasy RPG Setting and is a celebration of our love for them. The Companion contains the following:

 - A list of 25 taverns complete with descriptions
- A set of 10 fully fleshed out NPC's ready to meet your characters!
- A list of 100 quest hook ideas and random Tavern noises that can be heard at the bar
- A list of drinks and services available to your players; everything from dwarven ale to eleven wine!

The campaign offers the chance for backers to submit their own tavern and NPC ideas to add to the book! One backer has already decided to add 3 NPC's as they wanted to add their old group to the book; he liked the idea of the three of them still hanging out in a tavern together! We loved that idea and we encourage any and all creativity that we can build on to add to the finished product.

We also just wanted to clarify why we are asking so little for this book at this time. It is simply because we are trying to show everyone what we can do, we have had a number of backers pledge more than we have asked for and we have been overwhelmed with the support and we can't thank them enough!

If you have anymore questions check out our campaign or ask below and we will try and answer them as soon as possible!

You can also check us out on Twitter @WisSave