Tuesday 18 October 2016

Jason: Nerdy Nurse and Maker of Heroes

So, after posting a couple of our writing pieces it's time for an introduction. My name is Jason Watson I am  level 27 human world builder. I am currently studying for my masters degree in advanced clinical practice and when I am not researching or writing essays I am writing campaigns and building worlds. By day I am a senior Nurse in charge of a very busy accident and emergency department. By night, I am a teller of stories, a maker of everyday heroes and amateur (very amateur) voice actor.

My origin story, as most people call it, began when I was 11 years old in secondary school. I discovered DND 3.5 while browsing the fantasy section in a book shop. Before that I enjoyed RPG video games and play-by-page adventure books, these books were different however, as I turned the pages my mind exploded with ideas and the pictures seemed to move before my eyes. 

I read the books each time I went in (not able to buy them at that time only be in 11) and I memorised the rules and decided that the stories I had created in my head were not enough. Now you must bare in mind that my school was particularly prejudice against people that wore different clothing let alone had different interests, so I decided to select the three nerdiest people I knew to invite to a game, well I say invited them I got as far as saying "have you heard of dungeons and dragons?" I was turned down flat "that game is for nerds!" I was told. I sheepishly agreed and immediately withdrew into my introverted world and silent safety. I find it amusing to think of that time now, because a week after that conversation I was invited by the same three people to start painting and playing Warhammer! In secret of course. 

So a game was never played, but the many stories lived on, in my head (which I know sounds weird but stick with me here), I often used those worlds to escape in times of anxiety or depression and it gave me a coping mechanism. Over time, I didn't need my worlds anymore, I found new friendships and new ways to enjoy life.

Fast forward over ten  years later and I decide out of the blue to ask around my friends to see if they wanted to play a game of DND 5th edition. The replies this time were positive, and one of them was a friend I had from back in secondary school, he couldn't figure out why we hadn't played before and then I explained the whole being too "nerdy" story. He laughed.

My forgotten worlds came back to me in a rush, I had a practical use for them once more, but this time I started writing them down. I now run a number of small groups and joined up with a close friend of mine, who by this time next year will be my brother-in-law, and we build worlds together! We both have a similar approach to world building and we are maticulous with detail.

My love of these pen and paper adventure games has sprung out of two facets; one: it draws out creativity that people didn't know they had and two: it turns everyday people into the heroes we all want to be. I've watched my players stand up for bullied villagers and rescue people they didn't know from certain danger putting themselves in harms way in the process. Id like to think that if faced with a similar (but maybe less dramatic and dangerous) situation, providing them with the opportunity to step up and be a hero for someone, that they might just do it.

So that's me, a nerdy nurse from the UK with a passion for inventing worlds and using them to make heroes out of normal people!

If you have read this far, congratulations! and thank you for reading. We hope you enjoy the further ramblings of world builders and story tellers as this blog progresses.


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