Wednesday 19 October 2016

Lightning and Blood: An OpenLegendRPG inspired Web Series

Lightning and Blood

Below is the draft synopsis of the Stream Punk style tabletop RPG web series inspired by OpenLegendsRPG. If our Kickstarter campaign is successful we will begin work straight away. All updates will be available from:

If you like what you read below read the other post on our blog which contains the first chapter of a short story that preceded the concept of the series. Character sheets will be posted soon! 

Pledge to our campaign and help us get what we need to get started!

The kingdom of Balleria was once a place of immeasurable beauty, flourishing cities and maintained a high level of standing with the other great nations of Talmora. Today it is a shell of its former self, the magic that permeated the planet vanished centuries ago, remaining only in the bloodline of the family that sits on the throne of Titan. No one knows why magic abandoned this plane, but some say they had displeased the gods and they took it from them. The interventions of the gods are not as frequent as they once were either, only the truly devote can channel their divine energies. Magic still exists in this world however, but it can only be accessed by blood magic, which carries potentially dire consequences for those who use it.

The King that now sits upon the throne remains there only as a figurehead, his powers to rule passed to a council represented by the many races that inhabit Bellaria generations ago. The magic that runs within the Kings blood now watered down through the generations allowing only minor powers with magic, mere parlour tricks really. His father however, wields enormous power. 

Through 'consuming' most of his bloodline, he found he could strengthened his control over the remnants of magic energies lingering in the world, he killed countless people, from distant relatives to his own siblings. It was when he tried to kill his own son that he walked into a trap and was taken to a secure tower known as Kinsgrave. There he remains under the watch of guards called the Pact,  who are willing to use any means necessary, even blood magic to stop him from escaping. They had tried to execute him, but he was too strong with the ways of magic; so, until they can find a way, he will remain under the watch of the Pact.

With the kingdom now at war with the countries to the east and the Pirates from the south becoming increasingly troublesome it is at this time that the country is most vulnerable. The council is failing to meet the demands of the people and the King is powerless to do anything about it and to make matters worse, word has come from Kinsgrave to say that his fathers powers were growing once again. 

"But how?" 

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